Columbian Lodge No. 484

Grand Lodge of the State of New York

Utica Address of MW∴ Steven Adam Rubin, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York

My Brothers, 


Thank you for the trust you've placed in me as the 106th Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York. The opportunity and obligation to serve you and our Craft is one I hold in the highest regard. Over the past eighteen years, I've witnessed the remarkable dedication of countless Brothers who fuel the spirit of Masonry across our state. Their unwavering commitment to Masonic Ritual, education, and Brotherhood inspires us all.


My Brothers, my Grand Lodge duties and travels during the past eighteen years have afforded me the opportunity to witness firsthand, the generous Masonic Spirit of so many hardworking Brothers, especially the Grand Line and Grand Lodge Officers, Grand Lodge Committeemen, District Deputy Grand Masters, Grand Lodge Staff Officers and Assistant Grand Lecturers, the Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Home, and the Livingston Masonic Library, Directors of the Masonic Brotherhood Foundation and Masonic Medical Research Institute, and my hands within the field of Masonry, our Worshipful Masters, and their Lodge Officers.  All of these committed Brethren promote the incredible experiences that we witness within our communities, our Grand Lodge, and our Districts and Lodges on a daily basis.


This noble and high-minded work includes fantastic ritual, insightful lectures, thoughtful discussions, outstanding Schools of Instruction, meaningful mentoring and programming and acts of charity, as well as the impactful work of our Trustees, Boards and Foundations, that both inspires and excites our Brethren to continue their own journey of self-discovery and self-reflection, as well as to foster the Brotherhood that can only be found within a Masonic Lodge.This journey has shaped my vision: empowering Blue Lodges with the support of a member-centric Grand Lodge that is driven by a culture of steward leadership. My goal beyond the next 100 days is to work with our committees, elected and appointed officers, and Brethren all, to enhance our communication, revitalize committees, and improve the meaningful services that enrich the membership experience. We are blessed to have a rich blend of seasoned, accomplished and knowledgeable Masons, such as our Past Grand Masters and Permanent Members, that we can draw from their experiences to further advance our journey.


To accomplish this, I have established seven pillars, to serve as the guide during our labors:

●      Our Three Precious Jewels

●      Grand Lodge Leadership

●      Masonic Education

●      Membership Value

●      Masonic Lodge and Building Governance

●      Masonic Communication and Social Responsibility

●      New York Masonic History 


Our Three Precious Jewels


The Trustees of the Hall and Home (Masonic Care Community MCC), Masonic Medical Research Institute (MMRI) and Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library and Museum, your importance to New York Masonry and our Craft cannot be overestimated. From the first moment an orphaned child was brought to the Masonic Care Community, and for 130 plus years since, you have fulfilled the obligation of the Craftsman. Since 1958, the MMRI has served Masonry and Humanity and has embodied the very essence of our Masonic duty to Charity. Since 1850, the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library and Museum has been a beacon of Light, whose importance I celebrate and champion.


Yet for all three, real challenges exist. In order to fulfill our duty, we must have honest, thoughtful conversations as we collaborate to ensure that each of our Three Precious Jewelsremains strong, meaningful and vibrant for generations to come.


Grand Lodge Leadership


I am refining the Grand Lodge Leadership structure by fully engaging our Grand Lodge Liaison Officers, the Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden and Grand Treasurer. These Brothers will have defined duties and responsibilities over those Regions of the State in which they serve, as well as over designated Committees and Programs. While I will always be hands-on, having these Grand Line Officers engaged in such a manner will ensure that District Deputy Grand Masters, Grand Lodge Staff Officers and Worshipful Masters, will be offered real assistance as they govern as well as have clearly defined sources of assistance. The Liaison Officers will assist me to further ensure real communication, accountability and real transparency within our Grand Lodge system of governance. 


Furthermore, I am instituting a soft Grand Lodge policy that will prohibit a Brother from serving on more than one Board/Foundation/Committee. This strategic shift will revitalize our leadership pipeline and prepare us for the future. I am also establishing systems to refocus the work of our Grand Lodge Committees, which will be detailed in the Fall issue of the Empire State Mason.


Additionally, I am introducing two initiatives to benchmark our Lodges and streamline our formal proceedings and processions.

  1. Lodge of Excellence Program

This new program, The Lodge of Excellence, will identify the health of each of our Lodges, celebrate successes, and offer real guidance and assistance to those in need.

  1. Constitutions, Masonic Law and our Grand Lodge Session

We will address many of the Constitutional and legal issues, shortcomings and deficiencies that have become apparent over the years. We will afford opportunities of discussion throughout the year and throughout the State with the use of in-person Town Halls, as well as zoom programming, to ensure an informed electorate and thereafter present several Constitutional Amendments at the 2025 Grand Lodge Session.To that point, significant portions of our 2025 Grand Lodge Session will be open to New York members-only, to ensure honest, open discussion within the sanctity of our Session. There is no reason to air our challenges or disagreements outside of our New York Masonic Family. 


Masonic Education


Brothers elected to serve their Lodge as Worshipful Master, gather around our Altars and obligate themselves to provide Masonic Education at Stated Communications. I have heard the calls from Lodge and District Leaders and Past Masters for the need to provide additional leadership resources beyond presentations or programs in meetings.I’m proud to share that we have established educational programming that will include both in-person Regional Educational Conferences and virtual Zoom Programs and, for the very first time, an Esoteric Course of Study! Additionally, under the Leadership of RW Bill Edwards, we will roll out the long-awaited Maxwell Leadership Program to offer enhanced Leadership Training to our Brethren. 


Membership Value


My goal for the Grand Lodge of New York is to show how Brothers best can work as an example for other jurisdictions to emulate. After all, “It’s Called Brotherhood” is my motto for this Masonic year and has been my rule and guide for my work in the Craft. I want my fellow Brothers to share my pride in being a New York Mason, and to support that, I have created unique events and programs meant to engage and excite our members.

●      Save the date: our Grand Lodge will hold its first Masonic Con in Masonic Hall on January 18, 2025, with speakers and authors from around the country! Be on the lookout for more messages on purchasing tickets and the schedule of events in the weeks to come.

●      A Masonic Retreat at Camp Turk where esoteric topics will be addressed by day, and comradery and fellowship will commence at night.

●      We are re-tooling the functionality of the NorthStar Program to ensure a steady stream of potential candidates, fair distribution of those candidates and oversight of our success coaches/mentors, to ensure that our newly Initiated, Passed and Raised Brothers receive the Masonic guidance and experience they deserve;

●      We have established for our various Lodges and Districts new additional officers and programs with specific duties and responsibilities. These include the Lodge/District Recruitment and Retention Officers/Programs, Lodge Youth Officers, Lodge Masonic Military Veteran Officers, Lodge Surviving Spouse Officers and Lodge Communications/Public Relations Officers to ensure that no member of our Masonic Family is forgotten or left behind and that our message both within the Craft and without, is thoughtfully, purposefully and effectively delivered.

●      We are re-tooling, re-energizing and re-focusing the Masonic Brotherhood Fund Committee, that not only spearheads our charitable needs, but ensures that our message of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth is not a mere bumper sticker.

●      I am pleased to introduce our newest Masonic Brotherhood Fund Campaign: The 1781 Society. 1781 marks the year our Grand Lodge was warranted. By pledging $1,781.00, you'll receive a distinguished medal, symbolizing your commitment to our noble cause. I hope Brothers will join me as we embark on a journey of philanthropy and camaraderie, with the option of spreading your contribution over seven years ($255 per year) or making a one-time donation.

●      We are in the planning stage of a Camp Turk Fundraising Campaign that will culminate with a Grand Master’s Polar Plunge at Camp Turk.

●      Finally, we will continue our partnership with Craftsmen Online to provide Masonic Education and History through our podcast, virtual programs like The Reading Room, and thought-provoking blog articles from contributors such as RW Samual Lloyd Kinsey, Chairman, Custodians of the Work. 


Masonic Lodge and Building Governance


During my travels to Lodges throughout our great State, I have found that every Lodge is special and, each Lodge’s history is very important. Some are older, others newer, but all share a common Masonic Legacy. Yet, most also share the same challenge of managing a Lodge and Lodge building, and in recent years, this task has grown even more complex.To support our Masonic Halls and Temples, I will introduce new programming to offer real guidance and financial support to our Masonic Lodge Building owners, including accounting and legal sub-committees to assist in the complexities of Lodge business and building ownership;

●      We will introduce several draft manuals: Lodge Treasurer and Trustee Manuals, to establish baseline protocols that Lodges and Districts must follow. 

●      We will require each Secretary to update their membership data in our M2 (MORI) system.

●      We will require every Lodge to engage in the self-auditing program instituted several years ago, but rarely followed.  

●      We will require that Lodge management safeguards and protocols be practiced by each Lodge.

●      We will mandate that Lodge Secretaries, Treasurers and Trustees participate in Grand Lodge sponsored Leadership Courses to ensure that best practices are how we conduct the business of Masonry in New York State.

●      We will mandate that every Senior and Junior Warden, desiring a seat in the East, participate in the Road to the East, Master’s Chair and Masonic Development Courses


Masonic Communications and Social Responsibility


We live in the Information Age, where just about every member of society carries in their pocket a cell phone with more computing power than the original space shuttle. Yet, communication between the Grand Lodge and our Lodges, and Brethren is a constant challenge. This problem is only further exacerbated by the fact that many of our Lodges don’t engage in social media or have any real web presence, and if they do — the calendar is from 2017. This is not a way to attract new members or engage current members.Come September, I will require each Lodge Secretary to ensure that their Lodge’s M2 (MORI) information is up-to-date and accurate. Each Brother will be required to provide necessary information to complete our system. Lodges will be required to have, at a minimum, a basic website. For those Lodges incapable of establishing such a social media or web presence, our Communication Committee will assist in this endeavor. 



●      We have established a Lodge Officer system to ensure that our Lodges will have the knowledge and tools needed to support our Masonic Youth, military veterans, surviving spouses and fallen Brothers.

●      We will encourage Lodges and Districts to employ communication strategies within their Lodge and District membership; as well as to employ social media and web platforms for communication with membership and profane alike and offer assistance through the Grand Lodge Communication Committee when guidance is necessary;

●      We will encourage Lodges and Districts to promote their good works via press releases and other like means, and assist them when and where necessary;

●      We will encourage all Lodges to engage in Charitable endeavors, and for those Lodges in need of guidance, the Grand Lodge Charity Committee is able to assist in a multitude of pre-planned programs;

●      We will celebrate our Masonic Military Veterans during the month of November, never forgetting those Masons who have served and continue to serve our Nation with dignity and honor;

●      We will ensure Lodges are connected with their older Brethren and encourage occasional Zoom meetings to allow those Brethren who have moved away from New York or due to health restrictions cannot travel, so they too can have an opportunity to remain connected with their Lodge;

●      We will encourage Lodges/Districts to actively participate in the Surviving Spouses Program, demonstrating by action and deed that Surviving Spouses and Loved ones are always part of our Masonic Family.

●      We will continue the District Public Relations Officer Program (DPRO) and refine its techniques, as we further work to provide monthly email notification to our Worshipful Masters and Lodge Secretaries containing important news and events occurring within our Grand Jurisdiction.


New York Masonic History


Over the centuries, our Grand Lodge has played a crucial role in supporting Masonic Lodges across the State, fostering charitable endeavors, and preserving Masonic traditions and history. Today, it continues to thrive as a coordinating body for Masonic activities, with jurisdiction over nearly thirty thousand Freemasons and hundreds of Lodges in New York and Lebanon. Yet, many of the Masons who take their Solemn Obligations in our Lodges are sadly, in the dark regarding our proud history.


The first area we must address is a vacancy at the top. Our esteemed Grand Historian, RW Gary Heinmiller has retired following eight years of dedicated and loyal service. As such, we are seeking Brothers who are interested in serving as Grand Historian to send their resume and letter of intent to RW Lorenzo Cesare, the Aide to the Grand Master at To support the efforts of the Grand Historian, I will continue to encourage each Lodge to have a Lodge Historian.


To continue to shine Freemasonry’s Light in our great State, I have several programs to introduce:

●      I am pleased to announce our Lodge History Contest as I wish to celebrate our Lodges by displaying Masonic memorabilia and Lodge aprons and artifacts in the display cases at Masonic Hall.  Lodges interested in participating should contact RW Michael LaRocco, Executive Director of the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library and Museum at

●      We have further established new multi-tiered programs to Celebrate our New York Masonic History with our Masonic History Projects:

●      Our Walking and Driving Tour Program, headed by RW Ivan Boluarte, is creating walking and driving tours of Masonic locations within our State. We are seeking Brothers from all over the State to help map out their Masonic locations of interests within their own communities. Interested Brothers should contact RW Ivan Boluarte at

●      I am pleased to be partnering with RW Walter Cooke, Trustee of the Robert R Livingston Masonic Library and Museum as he prepares a manual with clear and concise instructions on the proper manner of preserving Lodge documents and artifacts. Indeed, the Grand Lodge will be establishing a system to permit the borrowing of scanning kits to enable Lodges to better preserve their records, documents, aprons and artifacts.

●      Throughout 2024-2025 we will be celebrating the 200th Year Anniversary of General and Brother The Marquis de Lafayette’s return to the shores of the United States, and specifically his return to New York. Beginning in August 2024, the Grand Lodge, Districts and Lodges across our State will sponsor events to celebrate Lafayette with galas, parades, degrees and events tracking Brother Lafayette’s travels throughout New York State. For those interested in participating in this endeavor should contact Program Chairman, W Bro. Let Justo at and visit for more information and a schedule of events.


My Brothers, these are just some of the initiatives in store for 2024. Yet, I am mindful that it will not be easy to change how we govern. It will require real effort as we confront real challenges and make real commitment to change, not for a day, a week or a month, but for years. Our greatest asset is you, the Brethren. By working together, we will elevate our Grand Lodge, empower our Lodges, and ensure a vibrant future for Freemasonry in New York.  The future of Masonry is in our hands. Let us be the generation that sparks a renaissance in our Craft, for our time--and for all time! With the help and love of our GAOTU, we will succeed! With Fraternal Love and Support, MW Steven Adam Rubin Grand Master

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